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Clergy and laity from the Church of Albania visit Greece for spiritual exchange and youth ministry insights

At the beginning of September 2024, a delegation of clergy and lay leaders from the Holy Archdiocese of Albania, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Apollonia and Fier, visited Greece for a three-day stay from September 1 to 3. They were hosted at the Holy Hermitage of Saints Augustine and Seraphim of Sarov in the region of Fokida.

The delegation, which included His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, six clergymen, and 35 lay leaders (catechists, camp leaders, and organisational executives), visited with the blessing of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania. Their mission was to connect with clergy in Greece who have undertaken significant spiritual work in youth ministry and to learn methods and teachings aimed at attracting young people to Christ and His Church.

The three-day stay in Trikorfo, Fokida, proved to be a time of spiritual renewal for the Albanian delegation. Elder Nektarios spent several hours with the group, imparting his wisdom through spiritual teachings and sharing the timeless, charismatic spiritual power he embodies. His aim was to pass on a sacred legacy of selfless love for the younger generation.

During their stay, the delegation also had the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with Archimandrite Avgustinos Syros, the priest responsible for the youth ministry of the Holy Metropolis of Fokida. Father Augustinos introduced the group to the camp’s activities, its various age groups, and its approach to spiritual and organisational matters, including sports and other youth-focused programs.

The participants felt deeply moved by the love, respect, and dedication shown by the fathers of the Holy Monastery. They were served with joy, humility, prayer, and self-denial, and in each person, they saw the face of God.
