Cafe Zoe at St Basil’s brings Christian Love and Care to the Perth Elderly
The St Basil’s Home Care Service Provider in Perth, is an activity of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, which offers assistance to people in their homes and communities in the areas of ageing and disability with true warmth, compassion and care.
As part of the new St Basil’s premises in Dianella WA, a Day Centre respite called ‘Cafe Zoe’ has also been recently opened located on the grounds of the Church of St Nektarios and the Archdiocesan District of Perth offices.
St Basil’s Day Centre is named ‘Café Zoe’ to reflect the philosophy of living and celebrating a full life (Zoe means ‘life’ in Greek). Clients to the Day Centre receive transport to and from the Centre, morning tea, a lunchtime meal, activities, social support and access to health referrals if needed. They also have the opportunity to visit the St Nektarios Church next door as well meeting up with His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea and all the clergy of the Perth District.
On Thursday the 9th of September, Fr Terry Gerovasilis visited the Day Centre to conduct the Supplication Service to the Holy Theotokos.
The elderly in attendance were greatly appreciative and embraced the service with great enthusiasm, chanting energetically. Following the service Fr Terry together with the Day Centre coordinator, Mrs Effie Mazgaltzidis, lead the group through a series of exercises which are aimed at providing important mental, social and physical stimulation to the elderly.
After exercise time, Fr Terry blessed the meal and everyone enjoyed lunch and a cup of coffee together as many life stories were shared.