Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis on the 4th Sunday of Great and Holy Lent
On Sunday 3 April, 2022, The 4th Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis presided over the Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Dimitrios, Prahan, in a devoute and holy atmosphere.
In the Homily, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos referred to the Gospel Reading of the day (Mark 10: 17-31) and to the two dialogues that unfold, pointing out: “What reigns in our relationship with God is prayer, which is dialogue and relationship with God. Prayer presupposes faith in our Lord. Faith is the guarantee that all our sins or weaknesses can be forgiven or even supported.”
His Grace continued: “If we today have the strength to believe, since we as humans are weak and our knees are bent in the face of trials, we should ask God to strengthen us and give us the strength we need to be able to believe completely in Him. If our hearts are filled with complete faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, then everything will always be possible. ”
His Grace Bishop Kyriakos conveyed the wishes of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. He thanked Father Adamantios, Priest of the holy church of Saint Dimitrios, together with the members of the Parish Council, and the Philoptochos Society. His Grace wished all the faithful a good and blessed path to the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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