Australia’s 18th Census to be held on Tuesday 10 August

With less than 6 weeks to go until the 2021 Census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will start its advertising campaign on 4 July. Tailored communication in 29 languages ensures Australia’s multicultural communities are informed and prepared to participate.
It will be Australia’s 18th Census, to be held on Tuesday 10 August. It will include over 10 million households and 25 million people.
There will be advertising and resources available to support the 21% of Australians who speak a language other than English at home. The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is also available on 131 450 to assist those requiring additional in-language support.
Census General Manager, Chris Libreri, said it was important for our multicultural communities to have information about the Census in their own language, in particular new migrants who will be doing their first Australian Census this year.
“The last Census in 2016 showed that our diversity is increasing – with nearly half of Australians either born overseas or with one or both parents born overseas,” Mr Libreri said.
“Many people don’t realise that information collected in the Census, such as country of birth and languages spoken at home, helps inform important services and support for migrant and refugee communities across Australia.
“Our message for Census this year is “Every stat tells a story”. We’ll have illustrations and real-life examples of how Census data has benefited the multicultural community. This includes community services for new migrants, and activities to keep older people healthy and connected.
“Everyone who is in Australia on Census night needs to complete it – it doesn’t matter if you’re a citizen, a resident, or just visiting. The only exception to this is foreign diplomats and their families.”
Mr Libreri said Census staff are already engaging across the country, working with local community groups and stakeholders to get Census-ready.
“We’ve particularly focused on hiring field staff who speak additional languages, and reflect the diversity of the communities they’ll be working in.”
Mr Libreri said this year, people can start their Census as soon as they receive instructions if they know where they’ll be on Tuesday 10 August.
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