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Athens: Memorial service and laying of wreaths for the fallen in Cyprus in 1974

A Memorial service for those who fell during the Coup d’etat of July 15 and the Turkish invasion of July 20, 1974, in Cyprus, was held on Sunday in the Metropolitan Church of Athens, officiated by His Grace Bishop Chrysostomos of Evripos.

The memorial service was attended by representatives of the Government of Cyprus, the Greek Parliament, Cypriot organisations, and Associations, as well as the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of Greece. More specifically, present among others, were the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Ms. Alexandra Papadopoulou, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Athens, Mr. Kyriakos Kenevezos, the President of the Course of Freedom party, Ms. Zoe Konstantopoulou, Member of Parliament of the New Democracy party, Mr. Angelos Syrigos, PASOK Member of Parliament, Mr. Pavlos Geroulanos, the Vice-President of the Parliament and Member of Parliament for the Hellenic Solution party, Mr. Vassilis Viliardos, and the Mayor of Athens, Mr. Kostas Bakoyannis.

This was followed by the laying of wreaths at the monument to the Unknown Soldier.

The Mayor of Athens, on the occasion of his presence at the above-mentioned commemorations, emphasised in his post on social media: “Every year on this day, we honour the memory of the victims of the Cypriot tragedy of the summer of 1974. Through grief, we remember their bravery, fortitude and struggle for freedom and peace. This day belongs to these heroes. Forty-nine years later, we continue to support the effort of the Cypriot people for a future without division and green lines, without pain, loss and lost homelands”.

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