Archbishop Makarios of Australia visits the Consulate General of Greece in Melbourne

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia visited the Consulate General of Greece in Melbourne, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, Archiepiscopal Vicars of Melbourne and Northcote respectively, along with the Chancellor of the Holy Archdiocese Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Christophoros Krikelis.
His Eminence and his entourage were cordially welcomed by the Consul General Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis and the other officials of the Greek Consulate.
The issues related to the needs of the Greek Omogenia in the “Greek City” of Melbourne were at the centre of the friendly and constructive discussion that followed, during which the joint commitment of the Church and the Consulate General for close and cordial cooperation was reaffirmed.
His Eminence Archbishop Makarios congratulated Mr. Kakavelakis and his colleagues for the dedication with which they carry out the important tasks assigned to them by the Greek State, while he wished them to have health, strength and illumination from above, in order to continue and increase their important work, for the benefit of Hellenism in the State of Victoria.