All-night Vigil at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hobart, Tasmania

With the Blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, Archiepiscopal Vicar of Canberra, visited Tasmania and conducted an all-night Vigil at the Church of the Holy Trinity, in the Capital, Hobart, and was joined from the Chanters stand by the Parish Priest Father Irinaios Koikas, and also by the Parish Priest of the Church of Saint George, Hobart, Father Dimitri Katsis.
In his sermon, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew spoke about the messages and people of the Church that we encounter during the period of Holy and Great Lent, each of which gives us hope and strength to gain a stronger relationship with Christ.
Concluding, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew wished on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, a blessed Holy Week and happy Pascha to all.
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