Adelaide: Fundraiser Luncheon in support of The Holy Monastery of Saint George of the Mountain, Yellow Rock – 31 July

The presence of Holy Monasteries in the life of the Church are considered to be the lungs of the Church.
The virtuous monks and nuns strive and pray continuously and fervently for the salvation of our souls and for all our needs. In this respect, our moral and material assistance to the monasteries is an offering of love that is indeed most welcomed by God.
With this in mind, we are all cordially invited to support the Holy Monastery of St George of the Mountain in Yellow Rock, New South Wales, by participating in the fundraiser luncheon, organised by friends of the Monastery. With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, and the participation of His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, this auspicious fundraising event will take place on Sunday, July 31, 2022, from 12:30 to 4:00 pm, at the Sunnybrae Estate Function Centre, 1 Naweena Road, Regency Park.
The Abbott of the Monastery, Very Rev Fr Ieronymos, will honour us with his presence and will be talking about the history of the Monastery and the importance of Monasticism in today’s society.
For bookings, please refer to the attached flyer.