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A blessed day at Sydney Airport, five years ago!

This day is engraved in my heart and in my life as a very precious and unique day […] From today until the end of my life, I belong to Australia.

The diary noted 18 June 2019 when His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia spoke these deeply moving words; a declaration of his profound desire to dedicate his entire existence to the ministry of the Christ-loving people of the fifth continent.

This marked His Eminence’s first statement on Australian soil, just moments after his arrival at Sydney Airport.

In front of hundreds of faithful who warmly welcomed him, the then newly elected Archbishop struggled to hold back tears of emotion streaming from his eyes. However, his words flowed freely, straight from the heart, touching the hearts of the people eagerly awaiting to meet their new Shepherd.

Blessed moments! The blessed communication of a father with his children through the eyes of the soul! An ideal foretaste of the blessed journey of spiritual elevation and revival of our Holy Archdiocese, officially commencing a few days later on 29 June 2019, with the festive enthronement of the 6th Primate of the Orthodox Church in Australia.