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Quiz Night held at the English speaking Parish of Saint Sophrony of Essex, Adelaide

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, on Sunday 3 November 2024, the Saint Sophrony of Essex Orthodox Parish hosted a lively and fun filled Quiz Night at the Parish of the Prophet Elias in Norwood, South Australia. Bringing together over 220 parish members, supporters, and faithful, the event was a tremendous success, raising over $27,000 to support the construction of a new parish hall. The atmosphere was filled with excitement, friendly competition, and the spirit of giving, as participants enjoyed an evening of trivia and fellowship. Attendees were treated to an offering of traditional Greek souvlaki, chips, fresh salads, and a variety of sweets. The night certainly lived up to its promise of a festive and family-friendly environment for all ages.

The funds raised will go directly towards establishing a much-needed parish hall, which will serve as a central hub for St Sophrony Orthodox Parish. Father Daniel Bradshaw, parish priest at St Sophrony, outlined the vision for this new hall and its importance for the community. He shared the architectural plans/digital renderings of the proposal and explained how the hall will provide a dedicated space for fellowship, Sunday school, bible studies, and other spiritually edifying events of the parish. Father Daniel described the new facility as a place where parishioners can foster Christ-centred friendships and connections with one another and encourage fellowship for all parishioners through their spiritual journeys.

The construction of a hall will also enable renovations of the Church building to commence. These renovations will involve removing most of the modern additions to historic building, relocating the current toilet and kitchenette facilities into the new hall, restoring the Church’s heritage high arched ceiling and wooden flooring, and increasing the capacity of the church to accommodate parishioner growth.

Father Daniel concluded by reflecting on the impact of St Sophrony as representing the “planting [of] the seed for the expansion of English parishes around Australia”, enabling the fulfilment of the goal of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, that the Holy Archdiocese of Australia is “ready for the future”.

As the first dedicated English-speaking parish in Australia, St Sophrony of Essex has a unique role in making Orthodox faith accessible to a wider audience. His Grace Bishop Silouan of Adelaide attended the event and echoed Father Daniel’s sentiments. He emphasised the importance of making Orthodoxy approachable, saying, “while language is not an impediment to seeking Christ, we have a spiritual duty to make it as accessible as possible,” acknowledging that English is the primary language for many in Australia. Under the spiritual leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and the guidance ofis —  His Grace Bishop Silouan of Adelaide, South Australia now has two dedicated English-speaking parishes, the second of which is the Parish of Saint Panteleimon in Glenelg.

The evening was not just a fundraising success but also a testament to the parish’s commitment to community-building. The fledgling parish, which was established in February 2023, has enjoyed robust support from the faithful, who see the need for a permanent gathering space to accommodate their growing numbers.

The success of the event was made possible by the tireless efforts of volunteers and the generous support of local businesses. Father Daniel Bradshaw and the parish committee express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in facilitating this event and to everyone who attended and supported this special event. It was truly an evening of fellowship, fun, and shared purpose.

This successful fundraiser is just one of many efforts by St Sophrony of Essex Orthodox Parish to create a vibrant, engaged and inclusive community for Orthodox Christians in South Australia. Every dollar raised from events like the Quiz Night will bring the parish closer to realising its vision of a new hall—a place where faith in Christ and fellowship can flourish for generations to come.