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Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Vespers at the Church of Saint Dimitrios in Tatavla

On Friday, 25 October 2024, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Great Vespers for the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Dimitrios the Myrrh-Streamer at the Church in Tatavla (Kurtuluş), Constantinople.

The Holy Sermon was preached by Deacon Ieronymos Sotirelis.

In his homily following Vespers, the Ecumenical Patriarch spoke about the honoured Saint, highlighting the principles and values instilled in him by his parents. These virtues, he noted, empowered the Great Martyr Dimitrios to withstand all temptations and persecutions, ultimately displaying extraordinary courage, steadfast faith, and high morale at the moment of his martyrdom. These qualities, the Ecumenical Patriarch emphasised, established him as a hero of Christianity, whose legacy has endured across the centuries.

The Ecumenical Patriarch expressed his wish that the example of these devout parents of Thessaloniki might inspire and guide today’s parents, whose children, within the complexities of modern society, encounter countless dangers and temptations.

“At this time, we address not only our cherished parents of the beloved Community of Tatavla, which brings together a significant portion of our Diaspora, but also to all parents without exception. We urge them to remain steadfast in their commitment to the Christian education of their children.

Expecting everything from the School and the Church is a mistake. The primary focus, which warms the innocent child’s soul and leaves an indelible impact, is the family.

Therefore, if you love your children — and what mother or father does not love their child? — take care, dear parents, to educate and guide them, primarily and above all, through your example, which is the most persuasive lesson and the most effective form of admonition and encouragement. Do not forget that in this sacred work, you have a steadfast supporter: the Church.”

Afterwards, the Ecumenical Patriarch expressed his gratitude for the significant and multifaceted work being done in the historic Community of Tatavla for the education and preparation of the youth of the Diaspora. He warmly congratulated His Eminence Metropolitan Stefanos of Kallioupolis and Madytos, as well as the clergy and the Church Committee of the Community, for their dedicated work and overall efforts.

The Ecumenical Patriarch then shared with the congregation his feelings of joy and emotion, as well as his experiences from his recent visit to Australia. There, he presided over the centenary celebrations marking the establishment of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, upon the invitation of both Archbishop Makarios and the Australian Government.

He specifically mentioned the warm gestures of the Australian government, “which honoured us with the highest distinctions, including the provision of the new Prime Ministerial aircraft for our delegation and accompanying members’ journey from Sydney to Melbourne.”

And the Ecumenical Patriarch continued:

“We convey to you the love of our expatriate brothers and sisters there, who cherish and safeguard their Orthodox faith as a most precious treasure. They feel pride in their heritage and deep gratitude to the Mother Church of Constantinople, thanks to the tireless efforts of their young, dynamic, and learned Shepherd. Bringing the spirit of the Phanar to the Antipodes, he has, in a short time, revitalised the profound ties between our devout flock in Australia and the Sacred Centre. Through his multifaceted work, he has further elevated the prestige of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia and, by extension, the Ecumenical Throne within Australian society.

The profound respect and love expressed for our humble presence and esteemed entourage, felt everywhere we went during our two-week visit to Sydney and Melbourne, conveyed the affection, blessings, and enduring care of the Holy Great Church of Christ for its distant spiritual children. These heartfelt gestures were truly beyond words. We take satisfaction in knowing that our decision to undertake this visit this year was indeed the right one.

It is a vibrant and tangible manifestation of the Great Church in the global arena—a genuinely ecumenical testimony to those outside, representing the spiritual values she has embodied and expressed for centuries. It also enriches her communication with her beloved children worldwide and with their experiences, fostering a mutual exchange of love and spiritual enrichment between the Ecumenical Throne and its provinces.”

Earlier, Metropolitan Stefanos of Kallioupolis and Madytos addressed the Ecumenical Patriarch with heartfelt words of respect and affection.

His Eminence Metropolitan Arsenios of Austria, His Grace Bishop Maximos of Arista, students from Greek diaspora schools, and numerous faithful from Constantinople, Greece, Austria, and Germany attended the service. Mayor Sisli Resul Emrah Şahan also attended the celebration of the Greek Community of the Tatavla.

A reception followed in the Community Hall, where the President of the Church Committee, Mr Georgios Theodoridis, addressed the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Photos: Nikos Papachristou / Ecumenical Patriarch