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The City of Volos received the incorrupt hand of Saint Mary Magdalene

With devout emotion, the Church of Demetrias welcomed the incorrupt hand of the Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal to the Apostles Saint Mary of Magdalene and a piece of Holy Wood from the Cross of the Lord, coming from the Holy Monastery of Simonopetra of Mount Athos. The most sacred relics arrived at the Holy Evangelistria Church in Nea Ionia and were received, with the appropriate honours, by His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias, head of the holy Clergy, the Authorities and the faithful people.

After appropriate prayers were made, the Hieromonk Gervasios Simonopetritis conveyed the wishes and thanks of the Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Simonopetra, Archimandrite Elisaios, for the warm reception of the holy Relics, which have been kept for many centuries in the Monastery. Father Gervasios emphasised that “the victory of incorruption over decay is now a fact and the Holy Relic testifies to it irrefutably, as it not only remains incorruptible, but also warm. It reminds us that the people who gave their lives for Christ sanctify not only their souls but also their bodies and share in this holiness and we all, through their honour and veneration, receive the Grace and blessing that comes from it of them”. Finally, Father Gervasios conveyed to Metropolitan Ignatius the respect and honour of the Abbot and the entire Simonopetra Brotherhood.

In his reply, Metropolitan Ignatius expressed his gratitude to Abbot Elisaios for the great gift he reserved for the local Metropolis and the region of Nea Ionia. “The presence of Saint Mary Magdalene, the Princess of Mount Athos, is a great support for all of us in a time where we are living through declining situations, people are disheartened and tired of the deterioration of our culture. Therefore, such events are sanctification, respite, breath of life, presence of holiness, strengthening in the work we are called to do.”

Metropolitan Ignatius also observed that the exuberant presence of the people of the local Church is a proof that “in our country there is a unifying force, called the Orthodox faith. The difficulties are many, the future, for many, uncertain, but as long as we keep this unity and as long as we honour the respects of our faith, there is hope for our country. This is how we must proceed in order to hand over to future generations a living homeland, in which Mount Athos contributes the most.”

The holy Relic of Saint Mary Magdalene will remain for veneration in the Evangelistria Church, until noon on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, and during its stay there a rich devotional program of holy services will take place, which is published on the website of the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias