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Sanctification Service at the Church of Panagia of Pera for the beginning of the new school year of the Zografeion Lyceum in Constantinople

With a spirit of joy and educational exuberance, the students of the Zografeion Lyceum in Constantinople, arrived to the courtyard of the Holy Church of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, of the renowned Stavrodromi Community, accompanied by the school’s teachers, holding coloured balloons that they released in the sky of Pera, signalling the start of the new school year.

After this, a Sanctification Service (Agiasmos) which was presided over by the Hierarchical Vicar of the Stavrodromi Community, His Eminence Metropolitan Andreas of Forty Churches, took place, in the present of the School Principal, Mr. Ioannis Demirtzoglou, the Founder Mr. Stratos Doltsiniadis, students, teachers, parents and friends of the school.

The President Mr. Giorgos Papaliaris and the members of the Board of Trustees wished a blessed and creative school year to the teachers and students.