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Ancient Nikopolis site excavation brings new findings to light

The Ministry of Culture announced on Wednesday that archaeological excavations of the ancient Nikopolis Agora in the Epirus region of northern Greece have brought new findings to light.

According to the ministry, the new findings will provide archaeologists with a better understanding of Roman architecture and city planning. 

Archaeologists excavated exterior spaces as well as the interior of buildings. Most of their work was concentrated on a square building west of the auditorium. 

Among other findings, the archaeologists discovered a section of tiled floor, believed to be part of the square of the Agora, as well as a marble plaque honoring the Roman emperors, with its whole text intact. They also found another marble plaque, which however was only partially preserved. 

The excavations are part of the five year plan “Systematic excavation of the Agora (Forum) of Nikopolis” sponsored by the presidency of the Greek Parliament.
