NSW: Sunday School Camp 2023 “An Orthodox Adventure”
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Annual Sunday School Camp for 2023 will be held on 3-5 October 2023 at Vision Valley, Arcadia. This camp is run by the Greek Orthodox Sunday Schools of NSW and is specifically for children who are currently in Years 4-6 at school, and aged between 10-12.https://sundayschool.lychnos.org/sunday-school-camp-2023/, where you can also find more details and information about the camp. If you have questions, make contact with the Sunday School coordinator of your parish or email [email protected]
Sunday School Camp is an opportunity for children to experience the richness and fullness of the Orthodox Christian faith in an enjoyable and exciting atmosphere. During the course of these 3 days, the Sunday School teachers of our parishes will lead interesting discussions of a spiritual nature, Bible studies, craft activities, many games and other challenges. The climax of the Camp will be the Divine Liturgy, which will be celebrated at the campsite. A Parent Information Session will be held on Thursday 31 August 2023, 7p.m at the Orthodox Mission Centre – 217 Bexley Rd, Kingsgrove NSW. A brief presentation will be made about the camp and any questions can be answered. Places are limited, so online registration and a deposit is required to confirm attendance which can be done by scanning the QR code on the flyer or visiting