The Feast of the Synaxis of the Saints of Messinia was celebrated with splendour

With the presence of a large number of believers from the city of Kalamata and the wider area of the Prefecture of Messinia, the Synaxis of the Saints shining-forth in Messinia was celebrated, on the Sunday of the Holy Myrrh-bearers, in the Holy Metropolitan Church of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Kalamata.
In the morning, His Eminence Metropolitan Theoklitos of Stagoi and Meteora, presided over the Matins and then presided over the Divine Liturgy, who was invited to preside over the festive services by the Local Shepherd, His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia. His Eminence was joined by Protosyncellus of the Holy Metropolis of Messiania, Archimandrite Philippos Hamargias, The the vicars of the Metropolitan Church, Protopresbyters Kresphontis Poulopoulos and Sotirios Tzaileas, and Deacons Theofilos Kyriakos and Ilias Diamantopoulos.
Preaching the Divine Word, Metropolitan Theoklitos referred to the courage and boldness of the Myrrh-bearing women, who came from the joy and grace of the Lord’s Resurrection, stressing that this grace and joy have since been transmitted to the whole world through the Ceremony of the coming down of the Holy Light.
Finally, he thanked His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia for the honourable invitation and especially wished the members of the Federation of Barbers and Hairdressers of Greece and the Association of Barbers and Hairdressers of the Prefecture of Messinia, which honour Neomartyr Ilias Ardounis, from the choir of the Messinian Saints, who was a barber by profession.
Afterwards, the procession of the Icon of the Saints shining-forth in Messinia, the skull of Saint Athanasios of Androusis, took place, with the participation of all the clergy of the city of Kalamata, taking in procession as well, parts of the relics of the Saints of Messinia and the Icon of the recently canonised, by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Saint Vissarion the Agathonite from Petalidi, Messinia.
After the end of the litany and before the closure of the festive and liturgical events, The Chancellor of the Holy Metropolis Archimandrite Philippos addressed the congregation and thanked, on behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia, His Eminence Metropolitan Theoklitos of Stagoi and Meteora for his presence, stressing that he is not thanking an invited Hierarch but the one who is “flesh from our flesh” and part of this place.
Finally, he thanked for their presence, the Mayor of Kalamata, Mr. Athanasios Vassilopoulos, the Member of Parliament, Mr. Miltos Chrysomallis, the Deputy Regional Governor of the Primary Sector of the Peloponnese Region, Mr. Stathis Anastasopoulos, the Presidency of the Federation and the Association of Barbers and Hairdressers, the President of The Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) Mr. Georgios Kavvathas, as well as the Philharmonic band of the Municipality of Kalamata, the Cultural Association “Friends of Tradition” and the Scouts of Kalamata for their brilliant participation in the litany procession.
In closing, he emphasised this year’s special celebration of the addition of another Saint to the choir of Saints in Messinia, of our Holy Father Vissarion the Agathonitis and originally from Petalidis, which, as he characteristically said, “constitutes another sign of hope for our place, Messinia”.
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