The Archbishopric of Ohrid in the Orthodox communion: Expectations and Perspectives
In light of recent developments regarding the Church of North Macedonia – Archbishopric of Ohrid, and faithful to its mission, the CEMES (The Center for Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies) is organising for Wednesday 22 February 2023, a round table on “The Archbishopric of Ohrid in the Orthodox communion. Expectations and Perspectives”, with speakers from different church jurisdictions and academic expertises.
The Invited speakers are as follows:
Prof. Svetoslav Riboloff, University St. Kliment of Ochrid, Sofia.
Prof. Gjoko Gjorgjevski, St. Clement Ohrid Faculty, Skopje.
Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas, Pontifical University St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome / member of the CEMES EC.
Moderates: Prof. Em. Petros Vassiliadis, Theological Faculty, “Aristotle” University, Thessaloniki / CEMES’ honorary President.