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The Feast Day of Christmas at the Holy Metropolis of Derkoi

In a crowded church, the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated in the Holy Metropolis of Derkoi, and specifically in the Holy Church of Saint George the Trophy-Bearer of the Makrohori Community, presided over by His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Apostolos of Derkoi.

During the Divine Liturgy, the Patriarchal Message of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was read, as well as the Message of His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Apostolos of Derkoi for the Christmas holiday.

After the end of the Divine Liturgy, in the Community hall, a christmas celebration of the Sunday School of the Holy Metropolis was held, where His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Apostolos spoke about the Christmas Feast Day and distributed gifts to the children.

Afterwards, a meal followed with a musical program, which was given by the aforementioned Community.

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