Fourth Lecture in the “power of the word” series by Father Chris Dimolianis
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, Fr Chris Dimolianis presented the fourth and final lecture of the Power of the Word series at the Holy Church of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene in Bentleigh, Victoria.
Fr Chris in his lecture titled “In the Beginning was the Word,” (John 1:1-17) explained how the Word is not an energy or action but rather the Word is God. Fr Chris emphasised that the Word refers to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity being Jesus Christ who through the Theotokos became man for our salvation.
Fr Chris also explained how The Word of God is an emanation of God therefore He is God. He likened this principle to our daily lives and described how our words, thoughts and actions reflect who we are thus in the same way for God, His Word is God.
As part of the lecture, Fr Chris explained the biblical passage from St John that says “the light shines in the darkness,” (John 1:5). He highlighted how at midnight on Easter Sunday, we celebrate the event of Christ conquering darkness. Our lit candles at Church which symbolise the overcoming of darkness.
Ultimately, God the Word being Jesus Christ is the light of the world and our shepherd in times of darkness. Darkness is not only the absence of light but can be the sorrow and hurt we experience from events in our lives. However, Fr Chris asserted that through our darkest moments, it is the light of Christ that gives hope and strength to our struggle and therefore “darkness will never overcome the light,” (John 1:5).
Fr Chris spoke how the Word of God Jesus Christ was not fully accepted by people during His life on Earth. Despite many following our Lord after hearing His Word and seeing His miracles believed, some people doubted and didn’t accept Him as the Messiah. But the Word of God did not rest upon those people. Instead it flourished across borders and in turn through the early Christian Church and subsequent Holy Fathers who developed the Divine Services and Theology through the Grace of God, we are privileged to receive God as Body and Blood not only for the forgiveness of sins but eternal life with Him.
Fr Chris showed a passage from St Chrysostom saying that those who lived and experienced Jesus on earth before and after His Resurrection do not have special favour. Instead St Chrysostom asserts that all past, present and future generations have received of Christ’s fullness.
Fr Chris was presented a gift at the conclusion of the talk. The audience was treated to light refreshments in the hall.