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Making of Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday celebrations at the Holy Cathedral of Sydney

On Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated, where the people welcomed him holding a palm (palm branches).

In remembrance of this event, all the Holy Church are decorated with palm fronds on this day, while blessings are read over the palm crosses and offered to the faithful, of which the crosses are made of palm leaves.

In view of tomorrow’s great feast of our Church, the parishioners of the Holy Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotos, in Redfern, Sydney, reverently observed the above custom, under the guidance of the Protosyggellos of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia and Proistamenos of the Cathedral, Very Rev. Father Christophoros Krikelis and also aided by Very Rev. Father Stephanos Tinikasvili.

Young and old started weaving crosses from palm leaves, the older ones passed on their knowledge and art to the younger ones, while at the end of the workshop, all who were present exchanged wishes for Holy Week and Pascha.


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