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Northcote: Programme for His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta for the 5th weekend of Great Lent

The Following is the programme for the 5th Week of Great and Holy Lent for His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta:


  1. Friday 8th April 7pm

Akathyst Hymn continued by a night vigil (Matins, blessing of five loaves & Divine Liturgy)

Parish of The Transfiguration of the Lord, 45 Poplar St Thomastown


  1. 5th Sunday of Lent 10th April 7.30am

St Mary of Egypt

Matins and Divine Liturgy

Parish of St Paraskevi, 22 Marsden Crescent St Albans


  1. Sunday 10th April 6.30pm

6th Lenten Vespers

Parish of St Vasilios, 15 Staley St Brunswick