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Memory of Saint Timothy the Apostle (22 January)

The Church commemorates Saint Timothy the Apostle.

Saint Timothy was a faithful disciple of Saint Paul the Apostle and is addressed as the recipient of the First and Second Epistles to Timothy.

These two books are a group of three books of the canonical New Testament, which are called pastoral epistles, because they addressed not to Christian communities but to spiritual shepherds-bishops with pastoral oversight of local churches, such as Timothy, who shepherded with ardor and self-denial the Church of Ephesus in Asia Minor.

Saint Timothy first met his teacher in his hometown, Lystra, when Saint Paul visited the city. His spiritual gifts and Greek education were highly valued, and from that time on he followed Saint Paul on his second missionary tour in Greece.

The Apostle Timothy also worked with Saint John the Evangelist before his exile to Patmos. He was martyred and buried in Ephesus, but later his holy relic was transferred to Constantinople and placed in the Church of the Holy Apostles.

The Apostle Timothy, who was from Lystra of Lycaonia, was born of a Greek (that is, pagan) father and a Jewish mother. His mother’s name was Eunice, and his grandmother’s name was Lois (II Tim. 1:5). He became the disciple of the Apostle Paul when the latter first preached there, and he followed St. Paul during the whole period of the Apostle’s preaching. Afterwards, Timothy was consecrated by him as first Bishop of the church in Ephesus. Under the supervision of John the Evangelist, who governed all the churches in Asia, he completed his life as a martyr in the year 97. He was stoned to death by the heathens, because, as some surmise, he opposed the festival held in honor of Artemis (Diana). The Apostle Paul’s First and Second Epistles to Timothy were written to him.

Apolytikion of Timothy of the 70

Fourth Tone

Since thou hadst been instructed in uprightness thoroughly and wast vigilant in all things, thou wast clothed with a good conscience as befitteth one holy. Thou didst draw from the Chosen Vessel ineffable mysteries; and having kept the Faith, thou didst finish a like course, O Hieromartyr and Apostle Timothy. Intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion of Timothy of the 70

First Tone

With hymns let us, the faithful, sing Timothy’s praises as Paul’s divine disciple and faithful companion; with him let us also laud Anastasius the godly-wise, who shone forth with splendor like a star out of Persia and doth drive away from us our bodily sickness and spiritual maladies.

Source: Church of Cyprus /