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Archbishop of Athens and Patriarch of Jerusalem call for peace amid Gaza conflict

Yesterday, 18 June 2024, His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece met with His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, who is currently in Greece. The two Church leaders discussed issues concerning the Patriarchate that are directly related to the ongoing conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Archbishop Ieronymos warmly welcomed Patriarch Theophilos, expressing his eagerness to learn about the current situation and challenges in the region, as well as how to facilitate the delivery of essential aid.

Patriarch Theophilos expressed his gratitude to the Church of Greece and Archbishop Ieronymos, detailing the difficulties they face and the ongoing efforts to address them. He highlighted the Christian presence in the wider Middle East, which plays a crucial role in maintaining regional balance, and spoke about the support provided by the Monastery of St. Porphyrios to the faithful in Gaza.

Archbishop Ieronymos voiced his deep concern for the civilian population, particularly children and the elderly, who are caught in the crossfire, as well as for the prisoners. He called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the commencement of peace talks. Patriarch Theophilos concurred, emphasising the urgent need to stop the war and expressing optimism that a resolution can be achieved.

The Patriarch was accompanied by the Exarch of the Holy Sepulcher in Athens, Archimandrite Raphael Grivas.

Photographs: Christos Bonis / EUROKINISSI