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Visit of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia to Adelaide at the end of November

A pastoral visit to Adelaide will be made at the end of this month by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. During his visit to the capital of South Australia, His Eminence will participate, as a keynote speaker, in the 10th State Youth Conference, while he will brighten with his presence the historic event of the official opening of the newly acquired Cathedral.

His Eminence will also be present at the liturgical events for the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, centered at the celebratory Church of Saint Andrew Noarlunga, and will perform the ordinations of a new Deacon and Priest.

The following is the announcement of the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide, with the detailed program of the Archbishop Makarios’ visit:

It is with gladness that we inform the faithful that our Father and Archbishop, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, is going to visit Adelaide at the end of November.

The program of his visit is as follows:

On Saturday 26 November 2022 His Eminence will be the keynote speaker at the 10th State Youth Conference which is taking place at the Parish-Community of Prophet Elias, Norwood.

At 6:00pm on that evening His Eminence will officiate at the Agiasmos Service in the new Cathedral of the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide, 100 Drayton Street, Bowden, co­ celebrating His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope and the clergy of Adelaide.

On Sunday 27 November His Eminence will brighten up with his presence the historical event of the opening of the new Cathedral.

On that morning he will officiate at the Matins and Divine Liturgy, co-celebrating His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope and Priests from Adelaide, and he will ordain to the Diaconate the faithful member of the Church Mr Petros Georgiadis.

Afterwards he will bless the free festive lunch offered to all the faithful in attendance.

On the evening of the same day, he will attend the dinner, offered by Central Philoptochos at the Parish-Community of Prophet Elias, Norwood, open to all the faithful of Adelaide with ticket price of $60, while the delegates of the Youth Conference will dine for free.

On the evening of Tuesday 29 November, at 7:00pm, His Eminence will officiate at the Vespers at the celebrating Church of Saint Andrew, Noarlunga, co-celebrating will be His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope and the clergy of Adelaide.

On Wednesday 30 November, feast day of St Andrew, His Eminence will officiate at the Matins and Divine Liturgy in the celebrating Church of Saint Andrew, Noarlunga, co-celebrating will be His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope and Priests from Adelaide, and he will ordain to the Diaconate the faithful member of the Church and Protopsaltes Mr John Saredakis, and to the Priesthood the by then Deacon Petros Georgiadis.

Afterwards he will bless the festive lunch prepared for all the faithful in attendance.

May Christ our God grant to our Father and Archbishop, His Eminence Makarios of Australia, many years and good health for the glory of the Church in Australia.