Vespers for the Feast Day of Saint Kyriakos the Anchorite in Melbourne, Australia

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 28 September 2022, at the Holy Church of Saint Eustathios in Melbourne, The Vespers of the Feast of Saint kyriakos the Anchorite took place, presided over by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis who was celebrating his name day.
In the Service of Vespers, for this joyous occasion, Their Graces Bishop Christodoulos of Magnesia and Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta also attended, as well as clergy from Melbourne and Sydney.
After the conclusion of the festive vespers, in the hall of the Parish, a meal was offered in the presence of Their Graces, The Holy Clergy and the many faithful who came to take part in the festive service.
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