Three objections to the elections in Cyprus – Metropolitan of Paphos: The Holy Synod must do its job

The General Superintendent of the Archdiocesan Elections, Yiannos Charilaou, has three objections before him, which he will examine tomorrow together with the competent Body of the Holy Synod, which will also determine the day of the meeting for the election of the new Primate of the Church of Cyprus, after the appointment of the Triprosopon.
Metropolitan Georgios of Paphos said that he was unaware of the content of the objections and explained that the disputed meeting of the Holy Synod for the election of the Archbishop could not be held next Friday, since it must be preceded by the Divine Liturgy.
“This Friday we do not officiate a Divine Liturgy, but the Christmas Great Hours. The Holy Synod can be held on Saturday to be preceded by a Divine Liturgy. I have no objection to that.
Metropolitan Georgios of Paphos said that the election of the Archbishop will be made by the Holy Synod, as provided by the Charter of the Church of Cyprus, which resembles the Constitution of the country.
“We have had the elections, we have run as Candidates with this statute and I think we should all respect it. It says the election of three by the people and the election of one of the three by the Holy Synod. The results showed that some are excluded and others qualify. The Holy Synod must do its job.”