The repose in the Lord of the late Archimandrite Ierotheos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Abba Theodosios the Cenobiarch

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem announces with great sorrow, and yet with the sorrow of the Lord, that at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, 15th/28th January 2025, Archimandrite Ierotheos Sifakis, from Mahaira of Crete, Hegumen of the Holy Monastery of Abba Theodosios the Coenobiarch, departed this life at the age of ninety-four.
The blessed Archimandrite Ierotheos came to the Holy Land during the time of the late Patriarch of Jerusalem, Timotheos, and served with zeal in various ministries of the Patriarchate, particularly for more than forty years as the Hegumen of the Holy Monastery of Abba Theodosios the Coenobiarch.
Archimandrite Ierotheos served devoutly and accomplished valuable and highly significant work for the Monastery. He renovated, marbled, and iconographed the Katholikon of the Monastery, built a new wing for the accommodation of monks and hospitality for pilgrims, protected the surrounding property of the Monastery at the risk of his life, and received pilgrims with warmth and hospitality, assisting with their needs.
Upon announcing his repose, a Trisagion was held for the repose of his soul in the Monastery and Patriarchal Church of Saints Constantine and Helen.
His funeral service will be held today at 12:00 PM in the Monastery of Abba Theodosios.
By order of His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, Archimandrite Evdokimos, Spiritual Father of the Lavra of Saint Sabas the Sanctified, and his entourage are responsible for overseeing the monastery.
Eternal be his memory!
From the General Secretariat
Source: Patriarchate of Jerusalem