The Archdiocesan District of Adelaide celebrates the annual cutting of the Vasilopita

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and the guidance of his local vicar, His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide again gathered for its annual District-wide celebration of the cutting of St Basil’s pie (Vasilopita) on the evening of Tuesday, 3rd of January 2023. Priests and representatives from parishes of the Archdiocese gathered from across Adelaide together with those from other Orthodox parishes in our sister jurisdictions – demonstrating the unity of our Faith and the fraternal love that exists between them all.
The service was held at the current Archdiocesan headquarters in Glenelg North (St Panteleimon), and was presided by Bishop Silouan, assisted by Rev Fr Panagiotis Photakis (parish priest of St Panteleimon) and newly ordained Deacon Fr John Saredakis, accompanied by representatives of the St John of Damascus Byzantine choir, and in the presence of the Consul-General of Greece in Adelaide Mr George Psiachas. His Grace addressed the people, speaking in general terms of the hard but spiritually rewarding work that the Church in Adelaide (as with the Church everywhere) has in front of her.
This year’s event was especially historic, marking what will be the last time that it is held at St Panteleimon – as the District of Adelaide is in the process of moving its headquarters to the newly-opened Archiepiscopal Church of St Sophia (the Wisdom of God) in the inner-city suburb of Bowden. While the nostalgia of the occasion was not lost on many of those present, nevertheless it in no way detracted from the sense of joy and celebration of the New Year and of our Holy Father Basil. The people of the District of Adelaide – clergy and laity alike – look forward with excitement to the new beginning that is to follow next year and in the years to come.
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