Poly-Hierarchical Vespers for the Patronal Feast Day of Archbishop Makarios of Australia

A Poly-Hierarchical Vespers service in memory of Saint Makarios the Great, a feast on which His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia celebrates his name day, was celebrated on Saturday evening, 18 January 2025, at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady, in Sydney.
The Vespers service was officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, and co-officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland, and Their Graces, members of the Holy Eparchial Synod, Bishop Elpidios of Perth, Bishop Silouan of Adelaide, Bishop Kyriakos of Melbourne, Bishop Evmenios of Chora and Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane, as well as by Their Graces, Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis and Bishop Christodoulos of Magnesia, Chief Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod. Numerous clergy from all over Australia participated, led by the Chancellor of the Holy Archdiocese, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Father Christophoros Krikelis, as well as the Abbot of the Holy Monastery of St. George Yellow Rock, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Father Ieronymos, and the clergyman from the great island of Crete, Archimandrite Irinaios, brother of the Holy Monastery of Saint George Epanosifis, the Monastery of Repentance of the Archbishop of Australia.
Among the faithful who attended, praying together during Vespers and wishing His Eminence a blessed name day, were the Consul General of Greece in Sydney, Mr. Ioannis Mallikourtis, many Archons of the Holy and Great Church of Christ, as well as many Presidents and representatives of Parishes – Communities, Organisations of the Holy Archdiocese and Greek organisations throughout Australia.

During his address, the celebrating Hierarch thanked everyone for their honourable and moving presence, while His Eminence welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland, to the church. Archbishop Makarios then referred to the life and virtues of his patron, Saint Makarios, praising God for having made him worthy to bear his name and to be inspired by his example. His Eminence spoke of a great Saint of our Church, who was one of the founders of Orthodox monasticism, while he wrote important writings and composed prayers and hymns.
“Saint Makarios had a miraculous life and contributed a lot to the Church,” he emphasised, among other things, while focusing on two key points of his teaching. The first is summarised in his famous saying: “There is no other way to be saved except through one’s neighbour.” “This is a message to today’s human being, who thinks that they can do everything on their own, that they are autonomous and that there is personal salvation,” the Archbishop pointed out and added: “Our judgment will pass through the face of our neighbour. We must constantly reflect on this and let it test us. Let us not consider that any form of isolation is something that will be blessed by God and will open the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for us.”

A second point from the teaching of Saint Makarios, which His Eminence presented and analysed, concerns his call for daily repentance and seeking God’s mercy. As he explained, “when the Saint was asked what it means if someone did not sin on a particular day, he answered inspired by God that we must repent daily, if not for our sins, at least for not having shown ourselves worthy of God’s love.” Reflecting on the above mentioned, the Archbishop asked everyone to reflect on how many gifts from God they receive daily and whether they have appreciated them, while he concluded his speech with the exhortation to get to know Saint Makarios the Great better, to study his theological texts and to benefit spiritually in their effort to approach God.