Official Blessing and Cutting of the Vasilopita in the Diocese of Perth

On Tuesday the 14th of January 2025, the official blessing and cutting of the Vasilopita took place at the Diocese of Perth Function Centre in Dianella, presided over by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Perth.
At the end of the blessing, His Grace read the Message of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia “on the occasion of the beginning of the New Year 2025 and the cutting of the Vasilopita”. This was then followed with the playing of the video produced by the “Vema” on His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s recent Apostolic Visit to Australia.
Present on the night was the Consul of Greece in Perth, Mrs Eleni Georgopoulou, as well as the various Presidents and representatives of the Greek Associations and Brotherhoods in Western Australia.
Dr John Yiannakis’ recently published book titled, “A Commemorative Centenary History of the Hellenic Community of Western Australia, 1923-2023” was also presented, giving everyone the opportunity to purchase a signed copy from the author.

Mrs Judy Paioff found the coin in this year’s Vasilopita and received as a gift the set of 4 Archdiocese coins produced in honour of the centenary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.
Light refreshments then followed in the outdoor area of the Diocese offices opposite the Church of St Nektarios.