Newly enthroned Metropolitan of Aetolia & Akarnania Damaskinos pays pastoral visit to municipality of Thermo

His Eminence, the newly enthroned Metropolitan Damaskinos of Aetolia & Akarnania, over the weekend paid a pastoral visit to the municipality of Thermo, part of the Metropolis’ ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
His Eminence was enthusiastically received in the town square by clergy, local office-holders and numerous faithful from the local area.
A Doxology Service was later held at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos on Saturday to commemorate the new Metropolitan’s enthronement, followed by a Resurrectional Vespers Service.
An Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy followed at the same cathedral on Sunday, officiated by the visiting Metropolitan of Samos and Ikaria, His Eminence Eusevios, and co-officiated by the resident Metropolitan Damaskinos.
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