Meeting of the Secretary for Social Solidarity with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

The Secretary-General for Social Solidarity and Fight against Poverty, Mr. George Stamatis, made an official visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Phanar, and met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarchate Bartholomew.
Mr. Stamatis informed His All-Holiness about the policies and actions of the Greek State for the practical support of our vulnerable fellow human beings. In particular, the Ecumenical Patriarch was informed about the institutional initiatives undertaken by the Government both to fight poverty, strengthen the family and the disabled and to support the elderly, as well as the essential social integration of the homeless and the Romani. Finally, the Secretary General made special mention of the promotion of foster care and adoption institutions.
Mr. Stamatis donated to His All-Holiness a copy of the first constitution of the Athletic Association of Constantinople (AEK) of 1929, as well as a copy of the Decision of the year 1934 for the grant of the plot in Nea Philadelphia, from the then Ministry of State Health and Awareness, (and the corresponding service of the Secretariat of Social Solidarity), to the refugee union of AEK, where the team’s new stadium was erected and recently inaugurated.
In the context of the meeting, Mr. Stamatis stated the following: “I would like to warmly thank His All-Holiness for the particularly fruitful meeting we had. Social solidarity, respect for human rights and philanthropy are fundamental principles of our Faith, our Democracy, every modern and progressive society. As a State we ensure a safety net for the most vulnerable and equal opportunities for all, based on social justice and social inclusion.”
Press Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs