Jerusalem Patriarchate: The Feast of the Veneration of the Sacred Chains of Apostle Peter

During this feast, the Church commemorates the imprisonment of the Apostle Peter by Herod and his miraculous release by God through His angel, as the Acts of the Apostles declare this (12, 1-11).
On this occasion, Vespers was celebrated on Saturday afternoon and Divine Liturgy in the morning, presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Theophanes of Gerassa, with the co-celebration of the Hegoumen Archimandrite Makarios, the Hegoumen of Praetorium Archimandrite Dionysios and Hierodeacon Eulogios. The chanting was delivered by Mr Vasileios Gotsopoulos and local Monks, as the service was attended by believers from Jerusalem and elsewhere.
Before Holy Communion, His Eminence spoke about the Apostle Peter, who was called “blessed” by Jesus Christ, when he confessed Him as the Son of the living God, and his confession was called the building stone of the Church. He also spoke about the celebrated event of the release of the Apostle Peter under God, with the help of the angel and the Holy Spirit, and more generally about all the achievements of the Saints of the Church, which are achieved through the help of the Holy Spirit.
After the Dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, the Hegoumen Archimandrite Makarios offered a reception for the Episcopal entourage and the congregation.
From Secretariat-General
Source: Jerusalem Patriarchate
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