Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Ukrainian-speaking parish of the Annunciation of the Theotokos in Budapest

On the Sunday of Zacchaeus, 26 January 2025, His Eminence Metropolitan Arsenios of Austria and Exarch of Hungary presided over the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Ukrainian-speaking parish of the Annunciation of the Theotokos in Budapest.
The Metropolitan was joined in concelebration by His Grace Bishop Maximos of Aristi and the parish priest, Archimandrite Dimitrios Frankiv. Following the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan conveyed his best wishes to Bishop Maximos for his name day on 21 January, when the Church commemorates the memory of Saint Maximos the Confessor.
Subsequently, he appointed Mr. Vladislav Antipin as Advisor for the Humanitarian Mission of the Archdiocesan District of Ukrainian-speaking Parishes within the Exarchate of Hungary. A celebratory gathering followed in the parish hall, attended by His Grace Bishop Paisios of Apameia, along with a communal meal.
In his sermon, the Metropolitan reflected on the desire of Zacchaeus, who made every effort and overcame all obstacles to encounter God. He emphasised that we must face professional and family difficulties, as well as health challenges, with courage. He explained that by obeying God’s will, we will achieve the much-desired encounter with Him and attain salvation. He reminded the faithful that regular attendance at the Divine Liturgy every Sunday is vital for this effort, offering paternal advice to instill this love and zeal in their children. Raising children within the Church, he noted, nurtures virtues such as patience, love, and perseverance, strengthening their faith to lead them to salvation through their encounter with Christ, freeing them from all evil. He further explained that by preparing to participate in the liturgical life of the Church and the Holy Mysteries, we purify ourselves and make our hearts receptive to divine grace. Moreover, through regular church attendance and partaking of the Holy Mysteries, we become members of the mystical Body of Christ. Finally, he urged the faithful to support Father Dimitrios in his ministry, to disregard foreign influences, and to remain steadfast in the canonical tradition as true children of the Great Church of Christ, the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
After the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan wished Bishop Maximos every blessing from God, health, strength, and patience to continue his ministry in the Church. He then officially appointed Mr. Vladislav Antipin as Advisor for the Humanitarian Mission of the Archdiocesan District of Ukrainian-speaking Parishes within the Exarchate of Hungary, recognising his invaluable collaboration in the past and encouraging its continuation.
The Metropolitan also expressed his gratitude to Dr. Zoltán Osztie, Head of the Roman Catholic Church of the city, for hosting the service in proximity to the Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos, which had been occupied by the Moscow Patriarchate. A celebration and meal followed, attended by Bishop Paisios of Apameia after the Divine Liturgy.