GO Youth Melbourne: ‘Conversations: Our Calling to Christ’ 4th talk was held

On Thursday 1 December 2022, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and under the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, GO Youth Melbourne under the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, held its fourth talk in their ongoing series, ‘Conversations: Our Calling to Christ’. The age range for this GO Youth Melbourne talk series is 18-29.
The special guests for the night were Father Elias Kentrotis from the Parish of Saint Haralambos, Templestowe and Father Chris Dimolianis from the Parish of Sts Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, Bentleigh. Also present were His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, and Father George Adamakis from the Parish of Saint Catherine, East Malvern, where the event was held.
The night began with a shared meal. Many of the attendees had come to previous talks and welcomed the opportunity to socialise with familiar faces. After dinner, the youth sat down to hear the two priests share their spiritual journeys.
Father Chris and Father Elias who are both Australian born, married priests, described their unique pathways to the priesthood. Father Chris spoke about attending a Roman Catholic boarding school for nine years as a young boy, becoming a nurse, and later attending Saint Andrew’s Theological College. In priesthood, Father Chris found what he had been searching for in his life. In contrast, Father Elias studied theology in Thessaloniki, Greece, where he also met his wife. Father Elias explained how the happiest moments of his life have come from his marriage and the priesthood.
While the focus of conversation was on the priests’ journeys, the panel also covered topics asked by the audience such as dating outside the Orthodox Faith and bringing Orthodox friends closer to the Church.
GO Youth Melbourne thanks Father Elias and Father Chris for taking the time to share their experience and knowledge with the youth and young adults of Melbourne.