Feast Day of Saint John Chrysostom at the Ecumenical Patriarchate

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Sunday, 13 November 2022, on the occasion of the feast day of Saint John Chyrsostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, presided at during the Divine Liturgy from the Parathrone (side-throne), at the Venerable Patriarchal Church of Saint George, Phanar. According to tradition, on the Patriarchal Throne was placed the Holy Icon of Saint John Chrysostom and the Patriarchal Staff, and placed for veneration by the faithful before the throne were Saint John’s Holy relics.
Also present for the Divine Liturgy were Their Eminences, Metropolitan Irineos of Myriophytos and Peristasis, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Myra, who also celebrated his name-day, Metropolitan Athenagoras of Kydonia, Metropolitan Job of Pisidia and Metropolitan Ioakeim of Bursa. Also His Grace Bishop Adrianos of Alikarnassos was present along with many faithful from the City of Constantinople and pilgrims who had travelled from Greece, Finland, The United States of America and from other various countries.
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