Diocese of Perth: Large Crowds attend the combined Epiphany celebrations

On the Sunday after Epiphany, 12th of January 2025, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Diocese of Perth held its Annual Combined Epiphany Celebrations at Matilda Bay following the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy that took place at the Church of the Annunciation in West Perth.
The perfect weather conditions saw around 1000 people join in the celebrations. The official service commenced at 12.30pm with the Epiphany message of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia followed by the blessing of the waters, which was Presided over by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Perth.
In attendance was the Consul for Greece in Perth, Mrs Eleni Georgopoulou, former Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly the Hon. Michael Sutherland MLA, as well as various other representatives of the Greek Community organisations from WA.
The young man who retrieved the Holy Cross from the waters of the Swan River was Jack (Kyriakos) Bird who was gifted a beautiful gold cross and chain donated by the Gogos Family in memory of their beloved parents Chris and Anastasia Gogos.

His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Perth conveyed to all present the paternal love and festive blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios.
Following the conclusion of the official ceremony, there were Greek dancing performances by the students of St Andrew’s Grammar and the Greek Language and Culture Institute of Evangelismos (GLCI).
Available for purchase on the day were chicken souvlakia, sausage sizzle, Greek frappe, watermelon , ice-cream, Greek sweets and more.
A special thank-you goes out to the volunteers and sponsors of the 2025 Perth Epiphany Celebrations who include: Church of Sts Constantine & Helene, Church of St Nektarios, Church of the Annunciation, Hellenic Community of WA, The Gogos Family, New West Foods and the Venoutsos family, Kailis Bros Leederville, Aaron Papandroulakis, Spartalis Family, Bill Ntoumenopoulos & Family, Stan and Evelyn Palassis & Family, Dr Zaki Dorkham & Family, Quality Pick Produce, Effie Tsocas and family.

Overall, it was wonderful to see so many young families attend and support the 2025 Perth Diocese Epiphany celebrations.