Christmas Toy Drive in 2022 for the Perth Children’s Hospital

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene in Perth conducted their annual Christmas Toy Drive which focussed on collecting new toys for the Perth Children’s Hospital. The toys were donated by the children and families of the Parish of Sts Constantine and Helene.
On Tuesday the 13th of December 2022, Parish Priest, Fr Terry Gerovasilis, along with members of the Church Committee and Sunday School Teachers, delivered the toys to the Perth Children’s Hospital. The staff of the hospital were emotional and overwhelmed at the large number of toys collected and donated from the parish. In total, 545 toys were donated, which was a significant increase from the 182 toys donated in 2021.
Fr Terry and the representatives from the parish were met with great joy and delight by the volunteer staff at the hospital who work hard to look after the families of the children. In total, there are over 450 volunteers who ensure that the children and families experience as much comfort and happiness as possible during their difficult times at hospital.
At any one time, and particularly over the busy Christmas period, there may be up to 300 children who must stay in the hospital for medical treatment and over 800 who attend the hospital as an out-patient for medical appointments.
The toys donated by the Parish will be wrapped and distributed to the children as Christmas gifts. On Christmas Day, about 20 volunteers give up their time and distribute the presents to the children, bringing joy to them on the day of our Lord’s Nativity.
The volunteer staff of the hospital conveyed their great appreciation to the parishioners of Sts Constantine and Helene for their generous support.
Following the visit to the Perth Children’s Hospital, Fr Terry Gerovasilis then visited His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea at the Archdiocesan District of Perth offices in Dianella and gave an update of the overall success of the 2022 Christmas Toy Drive.
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