Christmas on Mount Athos (Julian Calendar) – All Night Vigil in monasteries and cells
Christmas on Mount Athos is celebrated in an all-night atmosphere, without decorations, colorful lights and gifts, but with prayer, vigils and an absolute spiritual approach.
Specifically, the monks in general and especially on Mount Athos , celebrate the Birth of God the Word almost every day, that is, in the whole cycle of the so-called theological liturgical time, due to the day and night cycle of the holy services.
In this corner of Greece the essence of Christmas is celebrated, every ritual that is followed has Christ as its core , while even nature, in its purest form, seems to participate in the divine services of the monks. The Christmas Eve is a day of strict fasting . Vigils were held last night in all the Holy Monasteries, Cells and Sketes. It was preceded by the rite of Holy Unction, followed by the Great Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil.
For the visitors, who are hosted in the Monasteries during this festive period, the experience is something unprecedented and unique.
Watch the video from the Holy Monastery of Xenophon: