Archimandrite Stephanos Nousis falls asleep in the Lord

The Holy Metropolis of the Princes’ Islands announced with great sadness the passing of one of its Parish Priests, Archimandrite Stephanos Nousis, a native of the island of Halki, a graduate of the Holy Theological School of Halki there, and Parish Priest of the Community of Saint John the Baptist on the island of Antigoni (Burgaz).
His funeral service will be held on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at 1:00 p.m., at the Church of Saint Nicholas in his birthplace of Halki, and in the local Cemetery he will be buried in the hope of Resurrection.
The Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Holy Trinity of Halki, His Grace Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos, and the brotherhood with him, expressed their human sorrow for the passing of the blessed Archimandrite Stephanos Nousis, a graduate of the Theological School of Halki, praying that the Lord may rest his soul in the tents of the righteous.

“The late Father Stephanos, who fell asleep after a long illness and lived the last years of his life in Halki, serving the liturgical needs of the faithful of the Princes’ Islands, graduated from the Theological School in 1967, after submitting a thesis on the topic “The monastic life in the ancient Church of the first four centuries”. May his memory be eternal!”, the relevant press release states.