Adelaide: Dinner held in honour of the volunteers of the “Glenelg Greek Festival”

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, and in the presence of His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, The Archdiocesan District of Adelaide hosted a dinner in honour of the volunteers, who helped and participated in the organisation of the “Glenelg Greek Festival”, which is held annually as part of the Epiphany celebration. The dinner was held on Sunday, 29 January 2023, in the courtyard of the Holy Cathedral of the Wisdom of God.
This year’s “Glenelg Greek Festival” was a huge success, both from a financial point of view, and – most importantly – as a statement of the Greek Orthodox ethos, culture and traditions. This year’s “Greek Festival” was a stentorian declaration to the citizens of South Australia that Orthodoxy is alive and active in the state and is becoming, at an ever-increasing rate, an integral part of its social fabric.
The success of the dinner was a continuation of the success of the “Glenelg Greek Festival”. Over 70 volunteers shared the offered food and enjoyed the company of one another in Christ, which further strengthened the bonds forged between them during the offering of their voluntary services for the success of the “Glenelg Greek Festival”. Their cooperation in Christ for the common purpose of the local Church helped to shape the feeling of belonging to the body of the Church, beyond the ties of each one to his parish.
On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Silouan spoke personally to all the fellow volunteers and faithful, thanking them for their voluntary work and offering, whilst also giving to each person a symbolic gift of love.
Everyone was extremely grateful and already looking forward to working together in the coming years to build on this year’s success and improve the Glenelg Greek Festival even more.